Debajyoti Biswas1
1Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, India.
transcript: An e-Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies is a bi-annual research journal started in 2021. The Journal aspires to reach out to scholars across the globe and provide a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research findings related to literatures in English and cultural studies. The reason for creating such an interdisciplinary and wider canvas is to facilitate an understanding of the cultures and literatures of the world and their inter-relationship. In the recent past, literatures of only a few nations dominated the world scenario thereby auguring the ideological moorings of those nations on the cultural and literary front; however, in the past few decades, the literatures of the post-colonial nations have made its presence felt all over the world. These literatures in English and literatures in English translation give us an alternative perspective of literary and cultural events of what the academic world calls the “global south.”
This issue of transcript published in June 2022 is a collection of four research articles and a book review. The referred articles published in this volume deal with a wide range of topics – The opening article by Amalia Călinescu deal with Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels studied through the lens of Behavioural science and Heurestics; Chandan Panda’s essay invokes the role of invasive memory and traumatic experiences of the Holocaust; Kshetrimayum Premchandra’s article focuses on laiharoba through a framework of cultural studies and religion; and Susmita Basu’s article deal with Dalit literature. The last piece by Bondita Baruah is a review of This Land, This People, a collection of Rajbanshi poems translated by Pradip Acharya & Jyotirmoy Prodhani. The inclusion of articles dealing with emerging areas of research in northeast literature has further enriched the volume as it opens up the possibilities to broaden the theoretical perspectives of understanding postcolonial writings in India.
I would like to thank all the editorial members and the peer-reviewers who have devoted their time and energy in making this volume publishable.
Finally, submissions are open for the next issue (December 2022). Please visit the website for submission guidelines.
Debajyoti Biswasis an Associate Professor of English at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, India. He is an alumnus of Gauhati University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. His areas of interest include Anglophone writings from North-east India, Identity Politics and Nationalism, and Environmental Humanities. His research articles have appeared in international journals published by Taylor & Francis, Springer Nature, Oxford University Press, Corvinus University of Budapest, RUDN University. His recent works are Nationalism in India: Texts and Contexts (Routledge, 2021, edited with J.C. Ryan) and Global Perspectives on Nationalism (Forthcoming from Routledge in 2023). He can be reached at
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