Authors must submit original research works. Authors cannot make multiple submission of the same article. Articles submitted to this journal should not be submitted anywhere else while it is under review and simultaneous submissions in multiple journals are not allowed. All decisions are conveyed within three  months from the date of submission, in case  the decision is not conveyed within the stipulated time after the submission of the article, the author is free to withdraw the article and submit it elsewhere, however, they must inform the managing editor of the journal about the withdrawal.  The authors must give accurate data and authentic information in their research works. The work must be free from plagiarism and should avoid paraphrasing or rephrasing works or ideas that belong to someone else. The authors must maintain intellectual honesty at all times. The authors must use only verifiable sources in their works. Citation from unreliable sources and websites should be avoided. Authors must not use any Wiki sources in their research articles as well. The articles should be unbiased and uphold the spirit of scientific inquiry. Articles expressing any kind of bias relating to gender, culture, religion, language or race will be summarily rejected and will not be sent for peer-review. The articles should maintain the standard of decent academic language. If the research work directly involves hazards to animal or human health, it should not be submitted to this journal. If the article involves study involving human beings, or interviews etc. proper permission from the involved people must be procured while submitting.

Articles violating the ethics of publication will be retracted at once and such authors will be blacklisted from future submission to this journal.

While submitting to this journal the authors should declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Preparing the Manuscript:

The manuscript must be in English (Either British or American).

Book reviews should not exceed 2000 words and research articles should be between 5000 to 8000 words including Work Cited and abstract.

The articles should follow MLA 8th edition (Modern Language Association) style sheet and guidelines.

Spellings should be consistent throughout the article. All submission should be in A4 size with 1.5 cm margin on all sides. The article should be double spaced. The authors must submit two copies of the articles, one of which should be anonymous and not reveal the identity of the author. While submitting, files should be named “Blinded Manuscript” and “Manuscript with Author Details”.

The journal uses endnotes instead of footnotes.

“Authors must use double inverted commas for ‘short quotations,’ and single inverted commas for quotation with a quotation.”

The authors will be responsible for procuring the permission to use copyrighted materials including images and photographs.

In case the author is citing his/her own work, the use of self-referencing words like “I”, “We” etc. should be avoided.

Authors must submit ORCID ids along with their submission.

The cover letter should declare that (1) the article is original, unpublished and not under consideration in another journal, (2) that there is no conflict of interest, and is (3) plagiarism free.

Articles along with a short bio-note (100 words), title, abstract (not exceeding 200 words) and five keywords should be sent to

Submission deadline and duration: The journal accepts submission throughout the year. The issues will be published in the month of June and December every year. Publication decision will be conveyed within 60 days from the date of submission. Reviewer’s anonymized reports will be sent to the authors for their response. Each published article will be assigned a DOI number.

Review Process: The manuscripts are first read by the managing editor for quality check (or issue editors in case of special issues). If the manuscript is found suitable for the journal, the blinded version is then sent to two external reviewers. We usually request the reviewers to return the manuscripts within 30 days, however, under inadvertent circumstance it might take longer. As soon as we receive the reports, we share the anonymized review reports with the author for their response. The outcome of the review could be either acceptance, major revision, minor revision or rejection. If the revision is submitted within stipulated time, it is then included in the forthcoming issue.

Proofs: For all accepted articles, the authors will receive a proof. The author should use MS word Track Change for making changes in the proof. Only typographical and grammatical errors can be corrected during the proof reading stage. The corrected manuscript should be returned within one week of receipt.

Plagiarism Check: All articles are run through plagiarism checker (DrillBit). Plagiarized articles are summarily rejected.

Copyright permission for using third-party material: The authors shall be solely responsible for procuring the copyright permission of any third-party material used by them in any form. The authors shall be responsible for handling any legal dispute arising out of the copyright infringement. By agreeing to publish in transcript: An e-Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, the authors have given consent to abide by the terms and conditions given herein.